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Koliler, ürünlerin güvenli ve düzenli bir şekilde taşınması için kullanılan dayanıklı ambalaj malzemeleridir. Farklı boyutlarda ve çeşitlerde üretilen koliler, içerdikleri malzemeye göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Karton, mukavva ve ahşap gibi çeşitleri bulunan koliler, sağlam yapısıyla ürünlerin hasar görmeden taşınmasını sağlar. Firmamız, çeşitli koli seçenekleriyle müşterilerine uygun fiyatlar sunarak, işletmelerin ihtiyaçlarına cevap vermektedir.

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İhtiyacınıza Uygun Muhtelif Ebatlarda Koliler.

Nakliye için karton kutular ve kutular. ürün yelpazesinde birçok pratik tasarımda ikna edici katlanır kutular , kutular ve mail box kutuları seçenekleri bulacaksınız.

Warning Duct Tapes
Warning tapes glued to the top of the box are usually adhesive tapes that contain remarkable information during the transportation of the package during shipment. These tapes are used with the information they contain to indicate situations that require the package to be handled carefully or subjected to special conditions during transportation. Some common warnings may include:

"Fragile" or "Breakable": These warnings indicate that the package contents are fragile and should be handled carefully.

Keep Upright: Some products may need to be kept upright, especially if liquids or certain chemicals leak out. This warning indicates that the package must be kept in the correct direction.
Height Limit: Some packages should not be placed above a certain height. These warnings indicate the maximum height to be considered during stowage or storage.
Protect From Moisture: It is a warning used when products should not be affected by moisture. This can be especially important for sensitive electronic devices or certain food products.
Opening Direction: This warning indicates in which direction the package should be opened. It is especially used in certain types of packaging or products.

Such tapes are used to alert both buyers and carriers, providing information about the contents of the package or the conditions of transportation. In this way, it is possible to prevent damage to the products or to ensure their safe transportation by paying attention to special conditions.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.